Reisepartnerne mine i Madagaskar

Benedicte Fjørtoft

Kallenavn: Bentus
Alder: 20 år
Bosted: Vestlandet
Personlighet: hyggelig, omsorgsfull, bestemt og som oftest positiv
En person/ting som betyr mye for meg: Det må være farmoren min. Hun har vært min store inspirasjon. Hun hjalp meg alltid når jeg trengte det og la merke til alle triumfer, til og med de små.
Favoritt "quote": «We live in a wonderful world that is fyll of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if we only seek them with our eyes open.» -Jawahal Nehru 
Miharisoa Rajaona

Kallenavn: Mih’art Schu
Alder: 18 år
Bosted: Antananarivo
Personlighet: sosial, snill og lett å like
En person/ting som betyr mye for meg: She’s the reason why i exist in this world, the reason why i live, the reason of who I am now. She’s a part of me, my guardien angel. She is the person who is always there for me whatever happens in my life, she has a big value in my heart, this person is my lovely Mom. ♥♥
Favoritt "quote": «I may not be pretty, I’m not rich, i don t have a perfect body, but i have a good and warm heart that’s made out of the best material for those who care.»
Laingofaneva Ratsimandresy

Kallenavn: Laingo
Alder: 25 år
Bosted: Mahajanga
Personlighet: litt sjenert, vennlig og ansvarsfull
En person/ting som betyr mye for meg: my Mum is the most important person for me because she gave me life, and she is always there for me, even in hard times. She is my bestfriend, and I’m so proud to have her in my life… I just love her.
Favoritt "quote": «Mahay manao mihoatra noho izay nofisiko ny Tompo – God realises more than I can imagine»

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